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YasminA Bellydance Shopaholic's
12 Days of Christmas

On the 12 th day of Xmas
my checkbook paid for me
A hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 11 th day of xmas
my plastic paid for me
2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 10 th day of xmas
my brother paid for me
3 drum CDs
2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 9 th day of xmas my father paid for me
4 purple veils
3 drum CDs

2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 8 th day of xmas my sister paid for me
5 gold bras
4 purple veils
3 drum CDs
2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 7 th day of xmas my staff all paid for me
6 frilly capes
5 gold bras
4 purple veils
3 drum CDs
2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 6 th day of xmas my boss discovered me
with 7 pairs of heels
6 frilly capes
5 gold bras
4 purple veils
3 drum CDs
2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 5 th day of xmas my students asked from me
8 harem pants
7 pairs of heels
6 frilly capes
5 gold bras
4 purple veils
3 drum CDs
2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 4 th day of xmas Lucy* sold to me
9 beledi dresses
8 harem pants
7 pairs of heels
6 frilly capes
5 gold bras
4 purple veils
3 drum CDs
2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 3rd day of xmas I ordered from Turkey
10 skimpy skirts
9 beledi dresses
8 harem pants
7 pairs of heels
6 frilly capes
5 gold bras
4 purple veils
3 drum CDs
2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the 2nd day of xmas the Egyptians made for me
11 hand-sewn costumes
10 skimpy skirts
9 beledi dresses
8 harem pants
7 pairs of heels
6 frilly capes
5 gold bras
4 purple veils
3 drum CDs
2 pairs of zills
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi.

On the LAST day of xmas the police van came for me
with 12 creditors crying
11 dancers laughing
10 students wondering
9 swap tables begging
8 newsletters writing
7 tell-all letters with
6 moral lessons over
5 gold bras
4 hidden agendas
3 poison pens
2 best friends
and a hip scarf for Raqs es Sharqi!


Happy holidays to all!
With a special wink to WAMEDA’s Jemina.


* Sheherazade’s Imports