I have been playing the accordion since I was twelve years old. In the beginning
I accompanied my father to weddings where we would play. Later I joined the
College for Arabic Music (Museeka Arabiya), but left my studies to work full
time when my father wanted to retire from our family music business.
1981 Yasmin came to Egypt. She
had been living in London and worked with
my younger brother Khamis
Henkesh, the famous percussionist, at Omar
Khayyam, Mona Said's
night club. I agreed to lead her band for her. This
the first time I worked in the night club world. We openned
at the Auberge on Pyramid Street and in 3 months Yasmin was
throughout the circles in Cairo. There was hardly a wedding at the
Officers Club
without Yasmin being a part of the program. With my
contacts among artist agents, we
performed at many weddings and
parties in Egypt.
In 1983, Yasmin left Cairo for health reasons. I continued to work with many of Egypt's
top artists such as the famous comedian Mahmoud Shkoukou, the singers Shafik Galal
and Abdel Latif El Telbani, as well as Salah Atiya's orchestra for radio and television.
In 1986 I joined the National Folkloric Art Group, one of the Ministry of Culture's
troups that represents Egypt at international festivals. With them, I travelled all over
the Arab World and the West. Eventually I became a prominent member of the group
and was awarded a Degree of
Along with my troup work, I played for artists Iman Hamdi, Aida
Noor, Lucy and Mohamad Reyad's music group, who
accompanied the
folk singer Fatma